Naked Lunch is a film based on the novel by William Burroughs in 1959. An exterminator of insects in difficult economic accidentally kills his wife a drug addict during the "William Tell", a game in which the wife holds an apple on his head and he fired a bullet hits it. In an attempt to escape from the consequences of this murder, he was contacted by a strange secret agency that takes the form of a giant beetle and convinces him to leave for Interzone, somewhat shady spot where shady characters as they take refuge. Driven by drugs in the strangest fantasies that international conspiracies are mixed and ambiguous situations (even sexually), the protagonist tries to survive in this surreal "Casablanca." Cronenberg as always manages to put on film the most delirious visions but managing to keep the plot understandable in some ways even if some things remain unclear even at the end of the vision.