Friday, January 21, 2011

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The Easter holidays in Salento

The Salento has preserved its traditions unchanged over time, plot, from generation to generation, rituals and customs that are reminiscent of a distant past.

This peninsula is surrounded by two seas, was regarded in ancient times the door that connected the East with the West.

Because of its unique feature over the years there have been many domains, each of which has sought to impose their own religions and ways of life.

It is for this reason that people are clinging with all their might to their roots and traditions.

The Easter period is an opportunity to immerse yourself in an inviting atmosphere, where intense religious devotion is manifested in ritual processions and an antique flavor.

are several processions that take place during this period, going over all the stages in the religious, the exposure of the Body of Christ, to the meeting and the resurrection. People are emotionally involved, and the cities and small towns are transformed to live intensely the event.

Do not miss the procession of Gallipoli or Otranto , with the participation of the brotherhoods and the population is closely monitoring all stages.

A truly unique opportunity to live Salento in an entirely new way, perhaps discovering the flavors of the cuisine, the history of the beautiful city, like the white or the baroque Lecce Ostuni, and the nature of beaches with high dunes and Mediterranean vegetation, charming bays and coves natural, such as the Deer Cave, where you can see evidence of prehistoric settlements.

Salento offers many opportunities throughout the year, with special offers from hotels and Bed and breakfast in Salento, designed to live in the 360% beauty of this magical land.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Specialized Stumpjumper Pro Carbon 2010

Bridge June 2, 2011 in Salento

Unico momento in tutto il 2011 per staccare la spina e prendersi un intenso anticipo di vacanza è rappresentato dal 2 giugno . La Festa della Repubblica cade quest'anno di giovedì e quindi l'occasione per un periodo di ferie è quanto mai interessante. Tra i territorio italiani che si sta organizzando al meglio per garantire divertimento ed ospitalità c'è il Salento . Il cosiddetto Tacco d'Italia potà così aggiungerle all'incredibile bellezza paesaggistica, al mare meraviglioso che bagna le sue coste ed all'arte e cultura che si vede attraversandolo.

Dal punto di vista delle strutture ricettive ci sarà solo spoiled for choice. June and July, according to many, are the best months to visit this area and one of the reasons is undoubtedly the less crowded than in August and then the ease of being able to rent apartments, villas or holiday homes Salento . But there are also hotels, guesthouses and b & b: all kinds of facilities are available and everyone can find what suits its own circumstances.

During a long weekend, as what promises to June 2, 2011, you can admire the beauties of Salento. First Lecce: the capital is the capital of the Italian Baroque, with its churches, the Duomo, and Piazza Sant'Oronzo i Palazzi signorili sparsi lungo il centro storico. Ma è anche la città dei resti di un teatro e di un anfiteatro romano.

Ci si può spingere verso sud per ammirare l'oasi Wwf Le Cesine con la sua varietà faunistica, i due laghi Alimini che si incrociano e sfociano nell'Adriatico, ed ancora più a sud, oltre la meravigliosa Otranto con il suo Castello, verso le ville ottocentesche che caratterizzano il paesaggio di Santa Maria di Leuca .

Non potendo esaurire in così poco tempo un intero territorio, dopo quanto detto sulla costa adriatica, ci si può addentare nell'entroterra caratterizzato da paesini senza tempo e dall' ottima Salento cuisine made the best flavors of the Mediterranean.

Choose the Salento to the bridge on 2 June 2011. It will be an unforgettable vacation.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Could Be Mistaked For A Pilonidal Sinus?

Sunday, January 16 - The paths of Celle Ligure (Sv)

58 participants, wonderful day.
Routes 10 km

Maximo Park Paul Smith

Church of San Michele on the path

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Skateboard Roller Trucks

Easter 2011 in Tuscany: Where to go?

Pass the Easter 2011 in Tuscany is the best way to spend a few relaxing days away from the chaos of everyday life.

The most popular destinations of this beautiful region, given the period, the medieval villages and cities in particular stand out Capalbio, Florence, Siena and Montalcino.

Capalbio is certainly the most convenient destination for those coming from Rome (reached in just an hour and a quarter by car) and is a good compromise.

Florence does not need some of comments because it is one of the most artistically rich cities of the world, here you can visit the wonderful monuments of the city and some of the most prestigious museums.

Siena and Montalcino, however, is another face of the region to visit during Easter 2011 in the Tuscan and do not miss the classic wine tastings in the area.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pokemon Finger Skateboard

Regatta Sunday, January 16 - The paths of Celle Ligure (Sv)

COORDINATOR 329 8565321 (Gian Paolo) - 338 3116452 (dolphins)


ORARIO RITROVO    7,40       
ITINERARIO    CELL - TWO SHOT LINE BRAS signposts. Bras - SANDA-BRIC CROI CASSIS CELLS signposts three balls.


The route starts from the church square PARISH S. MICHAEL AND FORWARD THROUGH MINOR ROADS AND TRAILS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. THE PATH AHEAD DEVIATION TO THE TOP OF TOWER WITH BOTANICAL Bregalla where there is a tower called "Tower of CARDEMEI" residue of a defensive system built between the YEAR OF THE ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND AGAINST the Saracen invasions and Turkish. Survived until 1944 when the military KILL THE GERMANS.