Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Deadline For Renewalfor Ohio Driver's License


Sorry for the delay, I hope forgive me! Here's a nice flow to you:)

Alice [Alice in Wonderland, USA, 2010, Fantasy] by Tim Burton Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Michael Sheen, Helena Bonham Carter. First of all I would like to preface one thing: I was and am a fan of Tim Burton. I want to specify it out loud because I was doubly disappointed Alice, a lover of books and just as a fan of Burton. This Alice is a film cold and impersonal. I thought it was just a mere exercise in style by Burton, as to show (if any were needed) that is a great director. But you know, and how if we know! Certainly the film is shot well and the environments are as always to scream ... but that's all I would say? Where are the poetry of Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish moving scenes or "madness" of Sweeney Todd? Nothing is everything. It makes little sense to make a film based on a book distorting all the content: in Alice movie has become a self-confident character, with a strong character and that decides what to do with maximum rationality, quite the opposite wing of the book, what is the first child of each of us, the insecure part and irrational. Not to mention the mad hatter, where his madness? And the white witch with that role so marginal we want to talk about? So beyond the differences (there are many more) with the book, it is the film itself that I was not convinced: the script straight out of a children's film: it goes on until the end of solving problems here and there, is not intricate properly but rather too linear. Unfortunately we do not have a constructive message or moral Burton film in which there sempre.I characters are not well characterized, and I think even the actors do not give a great test of whether: disappointing Depp (seems to be doing homework), the Wasikowska so-so and pretty well in the Carter its role as a caricature. Address to the 3D part: a true joke, stealing money to the poor spectators totally useless does not add anything. Too bad Tim, you do it next time. Much better than the Disney cartoon.

Code: Genesis [The Book of Eli, USA, 2010, Action] Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes with Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis. I had heard much bad about this movie, I expected So the worst. Instead it is a decent film (certainly not a masterpiece) but it runs smooth and is easily spend a couple of hours without getting bored. A cross between a road movie and a post-apocalyptic western, Genesis Code contains in itself all the elements to excite the viewer: the right ambience, a photograph burned by the sun which makes extensive use of the backlight, a well written script, which does not missing the action and bloodshed, and a pretty good cast. A mix between Mad Max and Kenshiro, with post-apocalyptic settings, juggles between good story and action. Certainly trivial (with the usual characters totally good or totally bad), but with the actors of luxury: the actor and chameleon Oldman, the grande Washington e una bella e bravina Kunis. Voto 6/10.

Shutter Island[Shutter Island , USA, 2009, Noir] di Martin Scorsese con Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Michelle Williams. Attenzione, capolavoro! Scorsese si conferma ancora una volta uno dei migliori registi viventi, confezionando un ottimo film per ambientazione, storia, fotografia e musiche. Devo fare mea culpa su Leonardo Dicaprio: ho sottovalutato alla grande questo grandissimo attore. Quando lo vidi in Titanic, avevo una pessima opinione su di lui, ma ammetto di essermi sbagliato alla grande; anche qui fornisce una prova mostruosa. Bravissimo nella caratterizzazione del suo personaggio, nei suoi drammi interiori, nella sua (?) follia e nelle sfumature. Il film è perfetto, con un finale che lascia di stucco e mi ha fatto parlare ore ed ore con amici. Uno di quei finali che non si può scordare. Da vedere e rivedere, non mi dilungo troppo perché non voglio spoilerare nulla di nulla.

Mucchio Selvaggio [The Wild Bunch, USA, 1969, Western]di Sam Peckinpah con William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Ben Johnson, Jamie Sanchez. Uno dei western più duri, sporchi e amari che abbia mai visto."Il mucchio selvaggio" è veramente un western con le palle, un capolavoro epico, sanguinario, malsano, cattivo ed emozionante. Per tutta la pellicola regnano un senso di malsanità e di disperazione tutt'altro che scontati, la regia di Peckinpah è perfetta così come tutti gli attori (strepitosi Holden e Sanchez) ele scene da ricordare si susseguono una dopo l'altra (sopratutto la scena finale: memorabile). Niente eroi, ma solo essere umani tristi e destinati a perdere. E' questa l'altra faccia di Hollywood, la faccia realistica che a me piace. Altro che I Magnifici Sette o le classiche americanate, è un film che ha fatto storia, che ha reso il vecchio West non cosi bello e morale come molti film hanno tentato di fare.

Fuori Controllo[Edge of Darkness , USA, 2010, Thriller] by Martin Campbell starring Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts. film that will not leave the track in the Cinema. The latest work Gisbon as an actor is really out of control, let the pun! Classic movie thriller / revenge with the classic shot of the final scene. Too slow and measured (two hours feel all) with bad cartoon, a story with significant narrative gaps and soporific. Campbell mess, turns ugly scenes of rare, with a subdued Gibson (and it's a euphemism) that fails to make his character believable. All waiting for the explosion of vengeance that does not burst ever three quarters of the film and when it does not make it at all.

The Crazies [The Crazies, USA, UAE, 2010, Action] Breck Eisner with Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson. When it comes to a remake of a Romero film of the Master, even though I am always wary of imitations and drafts. Instead I have to say that this film deserves the positive reviews in America. It will not change the history of the horror genre, but it is definitely a breath of freshness and good taste in utter chaos for years that this kind offers. Do not you ever touching on the ridiculous, the scenes are thrilling and well-filmed and the actors (especially the Mitchell) are excellent. The plot (which obviously takes inspiration from Romero but is modified with more action and more gore scenes as it should be) is well developed and above all never exceeds. You know how it turns out, can not end but otherwise has the advantage not to make us say, after 2 minutes: "Oh you know it will end well." And trust is not just seen the latest horror films. We like, recommended to all those who wait for years for a good American horror film.


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